Project for the horizontal integration of implementation and verification activities in the R&D field
MedTechThe digitalization project concerns the Research, Development, and Design activities of embedded electronics, which involves electronics contained within other devices or machinery in the form of hardware and software specifically designed for each individual application, a key activity among the services offered by Teoresi MedTech (previously MediCon Ingegneria).
The aim of the digitalization project is to implement horizontal integration between the two main R&D production activities, implementation, and verification, both in hardware and software.
Integration will be achieved by deploying two software tools, one for software R&D (IAR Embedded Workbench) and one for hardware R&D (Altium Designer), along with their respective hardware tools for support and interaction with the target, including servers and workstations to ensure optimal system operation.
The chosen tools for integrating implementation and verification also offer the functionality of simulating electronic circuits (Altium Designer), a strategic function to anticipate verifications before the actual realization of electronic boards, and the execution of software code before its actual execution on the final electronic board (IAR Embedded Workbench).
The project has received support as provided by the “Call for the support of the digital transition of Emilia-Romagna companies,” Regional Executive Resolution no. 1171 of 07/11/2022, as amended by R.E.R. no. 1485/2022.
Priority 1 – Action 1.2.3 of the PR-FESR Emilia-Romagna 2021/2027 Operational Program