The value of Teoresi’s technological proposal is determined by many factors; among these, the investment in R&D activities carried out in our laboratories, together with the collaborations with universities and research centers, play a fundamental role in guaranteeing us a continuous update on the technological scenario.
Within this section, we offer a selection of the most original degree theses presented by students of Italian and European universities and polytechnics, carried out in Teoresi. The proposed works highlight our innovative lines of research often characterized by an immediate concrete application in response to a market need.

Cooperation with universities, polytechnics and research centers is a consolidated reality for Teoresi, which considers the activities carried out over the years as an opportunity for exchange for the development of innovative projects with a high technological impact.
A tangible sign of the importance of training and scientific dissemination is represented by the active participation of our experts in workshops and seminars organized within university courses with the responsibility of dealing with in-depth studies on specific technologies and presenting the most challenging activities and projects carried out for our customers, as well as their evolutions.
For years, our Technology Leaders have been members of the study program committees of various Italian universities, contributing to the working groups with the task of approving the courses programs, and identifying new subjects to be included in the study plans, based on market analysis to respond to needs that will arise in the future.
Another concrete expression of our relationship with Universities and Polytechnics is the possibility offered to graduating students to finish their studies with an experimental thesis in the field of innovative technologies applied in our projects, with the support of a dedicated tutor in defining the topic and characteristics of the thesis, and working closely with the teams of Teoresi experts.
Want to write your thesis with us?
Teoresi has long adopted the open innovation model. Thanks to the many activities and collaborations with academic institutes, research centers, and through partnerships with different technological organizations, we combine internal and external experiences and skills to enrich our know-how and create innovation.
Our attitude towards contamination leads us to apply these dynamics within the company; we have consolidated the organization of focus groups: discussion teams and tech challenges that arise among colleagues with the desire to tackle highly topical complex technological issues. This often generates the research activities that will characterize not only thesis projects but also the creation of prototypes for new business activities.
Learn more about focus groups