A company is a universe of values, ideas, passions and competencies.
In Teoresi we are, today, more than 700 people, a complex, heterogeneous and constantly growing entity that has in common a system of shared values.
This is what we wrote this year in the Code of Ethics of Teoresi, where words such as correctness, integrity, attention to people and to the sustainable development while respecting the environment and the rights of future generations are the founding principles.
For this reason, in occasion of the Christmas 2018 holidays, we have renewed the long-term partnership with LVIA, association working for the development of the poorest areas of the African continent, with the realization of the Calendar for 2019, and we gave birth to the “A tree is for life” project. For this initiative we have chosen Treedom as a partner to plant a forest of 750 fruit trees in Kenya.
A tree was gifted to each person in Teoresi, as a concrete action to protect the environment, by reducing CO2 and improving the air we breathe, and to sustain the populations in developing countries thanks to the fruit harvesting.
Visit LVIA website http://www.lvia.it
Visit Treedom page dedicated to our company https://www.treedom.net/it/organization/teoresi-group.
Season’s greetings from all of us at Teoresi.