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logo politecnico di torino test

Politecnico di Torino


Master's degree


Lorenzo Rinaldi


Implementation of a software interface layer between model-based-design tool and embedded graphic frameworks

logo politecnico di torino test

Politecnico di Torino


Master's degree


Lorenzo Rinaldi

C languageHMI - Human Machine Interface
Relatori Accademici

Luciano Lavagno


In the last years electronics, but in particular embedded systems are increasingly part of our life. They are also present where we do not think about them.
Embedded products are used in a huge variety of applications: automotive, aerospace, medicine, home automation and so on. Products have to differ from each other for characteristics and dimensions, depending on application field.
Nowadays, almost every device has a screen and a microcontroller to perform actions described from developers. To satisfy users’ requests, many products, but also many brands, are on the market, each with its own innovative technology, structure or algorithm. Therefore, there is a need to facilitate interaction with these products.
Briefly, the goal of the thesis project is to implement a Software Interface Layer able to simplify the interaction between a Model-Based-Design (MBD) tool and an embedded graphic framework and also between their users, providing a limited number of instructions easy to understand.
This Human Machine Interface (HMI) aims to allow a hardware developer to manage a Graphical User Interface (GUI) without knowing as it is realized and also vice versa, allowing to an embedded graphical developer to handle peripherals, of a target hardware, without finding out its structure.


To develop a methodology and a software module that serves as an example to ensure the interfacing of graphics libraries/frameworks for the embedded sector using model-based design tools.


The methodology was tested with the TouchGFX and Embedded Wizard frameworks with positive results. It can be further improved by developing a graphical tool to automate some functions.

Future developments

Optimization of the methodology through the development of a tool for the automation of some functionalities.